Student Voice - School Action Group

At Henlow we believe that everyone has a voice that needs to be heard, therefore, all members of our school community are members of School Action Group, this includes all students and members of staff.  We also have a view that individuals have strengths and interests in different areas so attendance at SAG is both voluntary and flexible.

SAG’s Four Areas of Focus

The four main areas of concern for SAG are shown in the diagram below.  The students work with the two lead colleagues for SAG (Mrs Sharp & Mrs Westcar) to organise and promote a series of events, activities, fundraisers throughout the year.



Student Leadership

SAG provides leadership opportunities for students throughout the year in a variety of ways.  A student panel of six interviews all prospective employees at Henlow Academy, this is a robust process which involves the students writing the questions, conducting the interviews and finally giving feedback to Mrs Earp and the interview panel.

Student Voice

SAG also plays a critical role in student voice, opinions are often collected via Google forms and the students analyse the results before sending them to the senior team.  

How we work

SAG meets weekly during a Tuesday lunchtime.  Each week an agenda is published and shared via Whole School Messages so students can decide if this is the week they need to attend.  At the end of each meeting a chairperson is elected for the following week.

SAG has a dedicated Google classroom and email address which students can access when appropriate.